Electro Homoeopathic Course

Duration 2 Years
Qualification 10th Passed
Education Regular Mode
Scope Passed this course you will be eligible for open electropathy medical store and work as assistant and electropathy pharmacist , so it is necessary to Registration as per the rules of the Council. also eligible for further study like DEMS and BEMS.

Diploma in Electro Homeopathic Medical Science
Duration 3 Years + 6 months internship
Qualification  +2 (Bio) and

(+2 (Arts and Math) Passed,for arts and math students 6 months science course is necessary)

Education Regular Mode
Scope Passed this course you will be eligible for Electro Homoeopathic Medical treatment, so it is necessary to Practice Registration as per the rules of the Council.

Bachelor of Electro Homoeopathic Medical Science
Duration 4 ½ Years + 1 year internship
Qualification I.Sc (Bio.) / D.E.M.S. Passed / I.Sc (Maths) ((+2 (maths) students 6 months science course is necessary))
Education Regular Mode
Scope Passed this course you will be eligible for Electro Homoeopathic Medical treatment, so it is necessary to Practice Registration as per the rules of the Council.

Doctorate of Medicine in Electro Homoeopathy
Duration 2 Years
Qualification B.E.M.S./ B.E.M.S. (LE) Passed
Education Regular Mode
Scope Passed this course you will be eligible for Electro Homoeopathic Medical treatment, so it is necessary to Practice Registration as per the rules of the Council.