Diploma in electrohomoeopathy (electropathy) medical science
1st year- (1st and 2nd Semester )
- Anatomy (1st Paper)
- Physiology (1st Paper)
- Materia media (1st Paper)
- Pharmacy (1st Paper)
- Hygiene & dieteties (1st Paper)
Diploma 2nd year : (3rd and 4th Semester)
- (1)Anatomy – 2nd paper
- (2) Physiology -2nd paper
- (3) Pathology – 1st paper
- (4) Pathology – 2nd paper
Diploma final year ;(5th and 6th Semester)
(1) Practice of medicine – 1st paper
(2) Practice of medical – 2nd paper
(3) Gynaecology & obstetrics
(4) Jurisprudene & toxicology
(5) Surgery
(6) E.N.T. & Opthalmology (Batchlor of Medicine in Electropathy (Electrohomoeopathy) Medicine & surgery)