Defination of Electropathy (Electrohomoeopathy) :-Electropathy is a most efficiency of all other system of treatment. It is as up to date, harmless, natural scientific and a perfectly system of modern medicine containing OD-Force of Medicinal Plants which are derived under a special process called cohobation.
1. They tone up the brain and nerves by which the bodily processes are controlled and strengthen the organs of digestion.
2. The medicines supply food for the red blood corpuscels of the blood and lymph.
3. They furnish. useful elements to the plasma of the blood and they provide nourishment for the cells of which the tissue are built.
4. They promote the expulsion through the skin and other channels of morbid and superfluous substance, which interfere with the health of body.
5. They give to the blood and lymph and more particularly to the leucocytes, which are found in these fluids. Such additional vigour and vitality enable more successfully to attack, weaken, neutralise destroy and which invade the organism. .
6. They do not simply cure a particular disease for they are prescribed but at the same time do much good to the constitution of patients who use them.
7. They are palliatives as well as curatives.
8. They are cure cent percent disease whether acute or chronic, surgical or non-surgical of male, female and children.
9. They cure even the so called incurable disease such as leprosy tuberculosis, Gangrene, Gout, paralysis, Hydrocephalous, Cancer, Carbuncle, Fistula, Scorofula, Mad, Enemia, Lecomia, Leucorhoea, Epilepsy, Kelwid, Diabetes and Blood pressure etc. without operation successfully and never produce drug diseases.
10. They cure all infectionipus disease and poisioning in epidermic.