Mahatma Gandhi Electrohomoeopathy Medical College
This is the oldest college of electro homeopathy medical science in Bihar. Which is founded by Dr.D.Narayan in has been completed the successful journey of 39 years.
This is affliated with Baba Shaheb Ambedkar Electrohomoeopathic Council, Motihari (Bihar) India.
the Almighty of BSAEC is Mahatma Ambedkar Electrohomoeopaty sansthan, Motihari (Bihar) India.
About The Founder
This college is founded by Dr. D.Narayan M.D.E.H.(Kanpur), M.C.M.A. (Germany)
Aim and Objective:-
- To impart a through training in the principles of Electropathy (ElectroHomoeopathy) and a board and ground training in the fundamental laws of ElectroHomeopathy Medicine.
- To popularize the system of Electrohomoeopathy which has
been proved to be the most efficacious, scientific, Natural and harmless system
of medicine and cure all acute, chronic, infection diseases of male, female and
children with cent percent success and also successful in all surgical diseases
without operation. - To give a special training in electropathy therapeutics and
practical training in Materia Medica of electropathy(electrohomoeopathy). - To furnish out useful, Practical, Liberal and successful physician and true healers of sick.
- To uphold a high standard of medical education and to inculcate the principal of medical ethics.
The successful Attendant of the Baba Saheb Ambedkar Electro homoeopathy council, Motihari (Bihar) will be awarded the following pharmacy, diploma, degree & P.G. (M.D. in electropathy medicine)
How to
Electrohomoeopathy (Electrohomoeopathy) Medicine Act.
Deffination of electrohomoeopathy(Electrohomoeopathy):-
electrohomoeophy is a most efficiency of all other system of treatment. it is as up to date, harmless, natural scientific and a perfectly system of modern medicine containing OD-force of medicinal plants which are derived under a special process called cohobation.